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29 / 05 / 2018
Former economist, head of his residential building’s “Association of Apartment Building Co-owners” (OSBB), Darnytsia district, Kyiv
[ topic ] Energy
Ukraine is one of the least energy-efficient countries in Europe, and 2 out of 3 Ukrainians cannot afford to pay their energy bills.

Ukrainian households could slash their energy bills by investing in energy efficiency measures such as individual heating substations or insulation of walls. With Swiss assistance, Ukraine launched support program that co-financed investment in more energy-efficient homes for 700,000 households.
Affordable and clean energy / 7
Sustainable сities and communities / 11
Our main challenge is to ensure comfort and peace of mind for our residents. It means that we have to make sure that apartments are properly heated and insulated, given the context of a sharp rise in energy bills, especially heating. We have focused most of our efforts on this. Our building dates back to 1955. A major renovation improved its thermal insulation back in 2006. Still, some of our boilers and pipes had not been upgraded since the 1970s! Our Co-owners’ Association consulted with residents and conducted an audit. We asked for estimates regarding two of our major projects. One project consisted of modernising the heating system starting from the boiler room in the basement. The other project was to improve roof insulation using modern materials.
Our energy bills dropped by half thanks to our investments!
We presented the plans to the Kyiv municipality and it covered some of the expenses. We took one of those “warm loans” at quite a good rate in order to pay for the Association’s share. Back in 2016 some of the residents were reluctant to take out a loan. Nevertheless our energy bills dropped by half thanks to our investments! This year we’ll renew our loan for the third time to support our next projects. This has almost become an automatic thing to do, as we still have much work ahead. See, we would like to insulate heating pipes so that we save even more energy and pay less. Our residents seem to be satisfied. Over the past few months some of our resident families gave birth to four new babies. We joke that our efforts to improve the building’s living conditions also stimulate families to get bigger!
Since 24th February 2022
Yevhen Yarovyi enlisted in the army. His situation is not known. Switzerland has intensified its efforts to support Ukraine and Ukrainians despite tragic circumstances. We work together for a peaceful, safe and prosperous Ukraine. 
Affordable and clean energy / 7
Sustainable сities and communities / 11
24 feb 2022
What else is Switzerland doing for Ukraine?
Switzerland has been assisting those impacted through various means – from humanitarian aid, humanitarian demining and financial support to granting protection status S to individuals from Ukraine seeking refuge. By 15 February 2024, the Swiss federal government had spent a total of around 3 billion Swiss francs to support Ukrainian refugees in Switzerland and people in Ukraine.

In 2022, Switzerland organised the first Ukraine Recovery Conference in Lugano and launched the political process to help Ukraine rebuild. The Summit on Peace in Ukraine, held in Switzerland in 2024, set up a path towards a just and lasting peace in Ukraine. In the longer term, the Federal Council aims to allocate 1.5 billion Swiss francs to support Ukraine's recovery efforts by 2028.
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