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[ region ]
19 / 10 / 2021
Nurse-in-chief, Center for Primary Health Care, Veselynivska village administration, Mykolaiv region
[ topic ] Health
There is a shortage of qualified and motivated workers in the health sector. It is critical to offer the population with timely and appropriate healthcare.

Within the framework of the healthcare reform in Ukraine, Switzerland supported the strengthening of the competences and skills of primary healthcare staff (family doctors and nurses) through an improved national healthcare education system.
Good Health and well-being / 3
I never believed I may have the opportunity to attend such an interesting training. This was an occasion to enhance my skills, to expand my knowledge and to meet many distinguished professionals I longtime saw as role models for me. We covered so many issues such as otoscopy, cardiac reanimation for children, reading cardiograms and more. It is not that I did not know about that before. But I never had an opportunity to practice thoroughly. Since I came back from the training I use this knowledge every day and I am sharing it with my colleagues. It makes a significant difference in our work as a team because the doctors may trust our expertise more.
Since I came back from the training I use this knowledge every day.
We prepare all data beforehand so that they only have to formulate their diagnosis. It is a serious gain of time and it strengthens our team. It is especially important nowadays as we struggle with repeated surges of the Covid-19 epidemia. During the training I also received invaluable advice on how to communicate on vaccines and on structuring our vaccination strategy. I see everyday that the approach I learned gives results. Hence I am looking for all kinds of opportunities to share my knowledge around me, both in my village and in the whole region!
Since 24th February 2022
Lina Finyak's situation is not known. Switzerland has intensified its efforts to support Ukraine and Ukrainians despite tragic circumstances. We work together for a peaceful, safe and prosperous Ukraine. 
Good Health and well-being / 3
24 feb 2022
What else is Switzerland doing for Ukraine?
Switzerland has been assisting those impacted through various means – from humanitarian aid, humanitarian demining and financial support to granting protection status S to individuals from Ukraine seeking refuge. By 15 February 2024, the Swiss federal government had spent a total of around 3 billion Swiss francs to support Ukrainian refugees in Switzerland and people in Ukraine.

In 2022, Switzerland organised the first Ukraine Recovery Conference in Lugano and launched the political process to help Ukraine rebuild. The Summit on Peace in Ukraine, held in Switzerland in 2024, set up a path towards a just and lasting peace in Ukraine. In the longer term, the Federal Council aims to allocate 1.5 billion Swiss francs to support Ukraine's recovery efforts by 2028.
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